- cool tones cover most of the plane
- horizontal blue lines create repetition
- warm toned (center form)
- bright yellow and silky figure
- yellow figure creates movement (diagonal lines)
- gradient from brown to blue
- texture gradient from rocks to water
- the white frame keeps your eyes centered
- the dress and dark lips on the figure grasp most of your attention
- the lines on the yellow silk dress build volume and shape
I reassembled the elements of the original page to create leafs and palms. I put it together so the leafs are in a diagonal creating movement. The forms are placed together in close proximity some even overlap creating various amounts of texture, pattern and depth. Unlike the original image this one has more negative space creating its own lines.
lines- diagonal,curved, wavy
shape- organic and geometric
color- cool tones; blue and green
texture- silky and wrinkly
form- organic
space- colors are positive and all white space is negative
pattern- the repeated leafs and yellow lines are creating rhythm
balance- the piece is well balanced